On Sat, 30 Mar 2002 02:48, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
> On 3/29/02 10:40 AM, "Peter Donald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Sat, 30 Mar 2002 02:36, Danny Angus wrote:
> >>> Now that you can (well, soon) legally implement JSR47's, you
> >>> might was well
> >>> support their interfaces and semantics, and then 'embrace and
> >>> extend'.  Just
> >>> do the JSR47 stuff better :)
> >>
> >> Could Log4J now become an RI of JSR47 ? (I'm still not completely clear
> >> about all this..)
> >
> > Not really and nor could you "embrace and extend". Soon we will be
> > allowed access to the TCKs (fingers crossed) which means we can implment
> > the spec legally. However there has not been any change to any of the
> > licenses regarding the specification materials which means it is still a
> > violation of the license if you were to try and "corrupt" a spec or
> > "embrace and extend" a spec by poorly-implementing it (and failing the
> > TCK). However now we can at least implement the spec(s).
> I can't believe that's true.
> I can't see how they can prevent you from extending.  I mean, every J2EE
> implementation 'embraces and extends' the J2EE spec because the specs leave
> out a lot.  For example, you can't make a really useful JMS broker until
> you add proprietary extensions for clustering, load balancing, etc... 
> Anyone that includes any functioning taglibs with a servlet container / jsp
> implementation is extending the spec as there are no useful tags in the
> spec.
> I can't see how anyone can complain if you pass the TCK.

Passing the TCK - thats the trick. Given that most (all?) TCKs require that 
the public interface conform exactly to that which is specified and that 
JSR47 is not made up of interfaces but instead made up of classes it would be 
difficult to pass the TCK if you added anything to it. You could create new 
output targets/appenders/whatever but they could not be in the java.** 

JSR47 should not be considered in the same category as the servlet/JMS/ejb 
specs - more in the same category as the Collection API.



* "Faced with the choice between changing one's mind, *
* and proving that there is no need to do so - almost *
* everyone gets busy on the proof."                   *
*              - John Kenneth Galbraith               *

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