I think both projects have nice advantages and features.  Maven has good
documentation.  Centipede is easier to setup and is a bit more advanced
in the way it generates documentation.  Its a bit alpha but I think the
code generation stuff in centipede shows some promise.  I can personally
vouch it works great for lazy people who don't want to type too much if
they don't have too.  I kinda don't lik the way the feather looks
against the sold color on the Maven home page.  Centipedes multiple
skins are kinda nice.  Maven has nicer names for things.  

As for dog food.  I tend to be anti-quibble over pedantics.  I could
give a rats behind what build everyone uses.  But set the record
straight.  Centipede was developed primarily BY Apache committers,
primarily to the requirements of Apache projects and the just happens to
be hosted elsewhere.  Largely because of the politics (read: so Jon
wouldn't have a fit) and the projects who it was developed for/out of
don't really want to host a *build* project.  For us its secondary.  I
don't see POI converting. Centipede more precisely fits our needs.  And
even if it didn't we've got bigger fish to fry (read: formulas, graphs
and word doc format).  

So why I applaud the effort.  I really think the marketing campaign
could be a bit more low key and pragmatic.  Just my opinion...maybe I
should read my tagline again before expressing it.  Flame away.


On Tue, 2002-04-30 at 18:02, Jon Scott Stevens wrote:
> on 4/30/02 2:46 PM, "Nicola Ken Barozzi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Krysalis Centipede:
> > http://www.sf.net/projects/krysalis/
> > 
> > Site using Centipede:
> > http://jakarta.apache.org/poi/
> > 
> > You make the decision.
> To me, the decision is simple:
> Krysalis isn't our own dog food.
> I would far rather see whatever Krysalis has incorporated into Maven because
> Maven is here, not there. I also see Maven as being more feature complete as
> well as having more developer interest. I also have a serious bias towards
> Maven's stylesheet. :-)
> But, the community will decide in the long run...
> -jon
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http://jakarta.apache.org/poi - port of Excel/Word/OLE 2 Compound
                            format to java
                        - fix java generics!
The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to
-Ambassador Kosh

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