There have been alot of talk back and forth about Maven, Krysalis
Centipede, GUMP, ANT, etc., and we are all missing some basic

1) GUMP is a continuous integration tool.  It is not meant to be
    more than that.  I find it an invaluable tool, and the information
    it gives me is necessary.

2) ANT is a build tool.  It does its job, but little more.  It is like
    the "make" command on UNIX boxes.  In the right hands, it is both
    powerful and dangerous at the same time.  You can really do something
    right, or you can really screw something up.

3) Maven and Centipede are "competing" equivalents.  Neither are
    to the point where ANT is yet.  Both Jason Van Zyl and Nikola Ken
    Barozzi are great guys, and are very accommodating.  Both projects
    have issues to work out.  Jason and Nikola both recognize that.
    I have suggested improvements to Maven, and Jason has been open
    to them.  I have not tried Centipede yet, but Nikola personally
    offered to help with integrating it on a project.

4) Bottom line is we need something at the Maven/Centipede level.  We
    can really use an automated build that is plug and play for a new
    project.  However, we need soemthing that can deal with subprojects
    and Commons-like arrangements.  Last time I checked Maven/Centipede
    weren't there yet--but had it in their plans to support something
    like that.

I appreciate the enthusiasm of the original post, but I think it is
a little premature.  Anything more than that is mudslinging, and FUD,
and trying to correct misrepresentations.


"They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
  deserve neither liberty nor safety."
                 - Benjamin Franklin

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