Oh shit...  I meant to delete this one and send the other....  Disregard it
please.  I changed my mind half way through and spoke a little too frankly.
I don't have time for the nuclear fallout.... Damn, were is the rewind
button on this damn thing.


On 5/30/03 10:45 PM, "Andrew C. Oliver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Oh, joy! Why did it come out to light that I am a man?
>> Russian gentlemen often take me as a lady because my first name
>> ends up with "ya". ;-)
>> (suffix for feminine noun in Russian / Ruski Yazjik)
> Tetsuya sounds masculine to me... Secondly its a statistical probability
> that you are male.
>> By the way, congratulations upon the promotion of Tapestry to Jakarta
>> Subproject. It seems to have taken a long time (since October last year?),
>> but your efforts have been tremendous. Maybe you are the best "incubator"
>> in Jakarta ;-)
>> What are you planning to incubate next to it? -- AltRMI??
> This will be a long reply to a short message but you gave me the perfect
> opportunity to dump this off my chest.
> Nothing for a good long time.  The amount of energy now required to start
> any effort in Apache is much much greater than it once was.  To be honest, I
> have nothing but the greatest opinion of Apache, but nothing but the most
> negative opinion of the results of the "reorg".  I was totally right, we
> have thrown the baby out with the bathwater and for now on everything worth
> anything will happen in Commons or the "Sandbox"es, etc.  Its just too much
> of a gigantic pain to argue yourself to death and deal with a tricameral or
> worse process.  
> We set out to fix "too little oversight" and well, we overcompensated on the
> ice and are in a ditch.  Tapestry was a unique situation because you had a
> "star" like Howard and a great group of guys to make it worthwhile.  They
> deserve the credit, I did little if anything.  I just ran interference
> against the organization and took a few bullets.  It shouldn't be like this.
> A more accurate analysis would be that we saw a river that was flooding a
> valley and we dammed it too completely and now its overflowing its banks in
> some places but causing a draught in the valley.  Its hard to plant new
> crops or grow some of the existing ones.  There will be more "violations" as
> people find clever ways around the bureaucracy and fewer bold an new
> efforts.  Its a system to work against not in.
> Fortunately, the fertile POI plantation is more alive now than ever.  It was
> hard for me but I made a conscious decision that for the project to grow, I
> needed to be less active and let others fill the void.  Thatıs happening now
> and on top of that business is booming.  So I have a nice well-irrigated
> little home to return/retreat into and a new frontier to explore that has
> not reached the level of "management" that we now have here.
> (I stole this idea from Stefano whom I think quits his projects and returns
> on a regular basis for this same reason ;-) -- though I might be giving him
> excessive credit -- I wouldn't bet on it...  In my next life I want to be
> reincarnated as a fly on Stefano's wall...)
> I've no intention of being the one who picks up the hatchet and fights the
> counter-reformation.  I'd rather just be on of the cowering masses (for a
> change) that follows once the inevitable backlash starts.  I'm not the only
> one who is unhappy with the current "reforms".
> In the case of AltRMI, its in good hands with Paul Hammant who knows more
> about starting projects than I ever will ;-).... (now "releasing" them is
> another story ha ha j/k paul).
> In any case.  I'm done fighting for awhile.  Tapestry is promoted and I'll
> help there when I'm needed.  POI is healthy.  My business is booming like
> mad.  Life is VERY good.
> If someone does decide to take up the issue they are welcome to use this
> email and I'll be happy to help if I'm able, but "it ain' me, it ain' me, I
> ain no fortunate son"....  Or to paraphrase/steal from Churchill: "When I am
> in the Socratic mood" I realize that my wonderful plan "would upset a lot of
> things; it would cause commotion and bring me perhaps in the end a hemlock
> draught."
> I hope to see some of Y'all at JavaONE and maybe you Tetsuya at the next
> ApacheCON  (we're doing one this year right?)...
> Peace,
> -Andy
>> Sincerely,
>> --
>> Tetsuya Kitahata <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>  -- A man who thinks of Money as "S" on a skewer ...  with love.
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Andrew C. Oliver
Custom enhancements and Commercial Implementation for Jakarta POI

For Java and Excel, Got POI?

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