The original intent of the vendors.xml page was:

 1. Because I got sick of hearing people say "Jakarta projects are not
supported" and wanted a page to send people to during presentations.

 2. So a certain unnamed committer would not feel the need to spam the lists
(because I though if he got away with it, others would start doing it and
then I'd get lists full of consultancy spam).

Now that Open Source is no longer a commercial cussword and I doubt even an
economic turnaround will kill the momentum, I think that the policy for that
page ought to be "just have one of the committers you employ on the Jakarta
projects you support make the change".  Thus tightening it from people who
"support" Jakarta projects to people who support Jakarta projects.


Andrew C. Oliver
Custom enhancements and Commercial Implementation for Jakarta POI
For Java and Excel, Got POI?

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