[ ] leave it within turbine
[3] move it to apache commons
[2] move it to jakarta commons
[ ] move it to incubator
[1] something else (please specify)...

I think the ideal place for JCS is the DB Top Level Project. Second choice, Jakarta Commons, and my final choice is Apache Commons.

A lot of people are being introduced to JCS through Hibernate, it could use a release, as it does seem to be a great piece of software. I believe that the DB TLP needs more attention, and moving JCS (which IMO should have a much higher profile) to DB would help send some energy towards that project.

J-C is my second choice only because, again, I think that JCS (like HiveMind and Jelly) is something that transcends the charter of Jakarta Commons. I would not object to JCS in Jakarta Commons, but I'd rather see us not throw another project into the Jakarta Commons.

My last recommendation is the Apache Commons. I hate to feed trolls, but the last round of "discussions" we had about Apache Commons descended into an unproductive rant festival.

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