----- Original message ---------------------------------------->
From: "Geir Magnusson Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Jakarta General List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Received: Sun, 28 Dec 2003 16:05:11 -0500
Subject: Re: [PROPOSAL] Proactively encourage TLP status


>Because the PMC would consist of those doing the active management
>(i.e. the active, interested committers) , we have things covered.

All active committers should be "interested" or else they wouldn't be active 

Oversight is not some "otherwordly" task to be conducted by an elite subset of our 
committers. IP oversight is something *every* decision-maker should be thinking about 
*every* time they commit a line of code. Consensus oversight is something *every* 
decision-maker should be thinking about *every* time they post to the DEV list. If 
committers aren't thinking about this now, it's only because they have no reporting 
requirements to remind them.

Our community has already decided who its decision-makers should be: the committers.

The Jakarta PMC doesn't need to second-guess the Jakarta community. We simply need to 
ratify the choices the community, in its wisdom, has already made.

Moving forward, we may want to distinguish between "newbie" committers and the 
"silver-haired" PMC members. But, as it stands, when each of these committers were 
selected, they were selected to be *the* decision-makers. They were selected to do 
what the PMC does: actively manage the codebase.

We should trust the judgment of our community, let each committer decide for 
themselves, and then Jakarta be whatever Jakarta wants to be.


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