There are a few alternatives. If webDAV is the answer from infra, then
we can definitely get that into the site plugin. It is on the todo
list as Tim noted, but the list remains very long at this point :)

The lack of detecting changed documents in the current xdoc plugin is
probably a limitation here too - it reuploads everything.

The other ideas I think are possibilities:
- committing the site to SVN, and automatically updating it on the
live site. An automatic commit is probably quite easy to add to the
site plugin as a "deployment" method.
- run Maven on the new zones for the projects, and have the live site
pull the content from there.
- a decentralised mechanism that can take a doc method and source
location and run the publish. David Crossley has done something like
this for forrestbot on brutus (which will obviously need a new home
too) and intended to incorporate anakia and Maven too I believe.

I'd intended to wait until the dust settled and it was clearer what
solutions were available. For now, scp'ing to minotaur is still

The site plugin now supports running a staging site as well so sites
can be publicly reviewed before being pushed live - this is something
I'd like to continue and improve whatever option is chosen to give a
place to publish documentation samples, and to help prevent accidents
where live sites get overwritten by bad settings :)

If anyone is interested in helping out on the Maven side, please just
ping the Maven Dev list - it'd certainly be welcomed.


On Sun, 27 Mar 2005 13:47:18 -0500, Tim O'Brien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Martin Cooper [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2005 11:54 AM
> > To: Jakarta General List
> > Subject: Re: future for maven generated websites?
> >
> > I believe you're really talking about deployment, rather than
> > generation. I doubt that any changes will be needed in
> > generation itself. The current hand-wavy answer on updating
> > web sites when shell accounts go away is "WebDAV". I'm not
> > sure if anyone has thought this through yet, though - when I
> > asked for more detail, the answer was essentially "dunno
> > yet". So I guess we'll have to wait and see, although if you
> > have suggestions / want to keep up to date, infrastructure@
> > is the place to be.
> >
> That brings up the question, is anyone working on to integrate WebDAV
> support with the site plug-in?
> I see a Jira issue for maven-site-plugin that adds webdav support using
> Slide, but no activity since Jan:
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