On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 11:01:07 +0100, robert burrell donkin

> given that infrastructures talking about switching off accounts on
> minotaur in a matter of months and there's work that's going to be
> needed to be done, it's probably worth trying to pull some stuff
> together sooner rather than later. this seems like an apache-wide
> infrastructure issue for maven so there are a number of lists that might
> be appropriate for this discussion (maven-dev, infrastructure, general
> at jakarta). i'd be inclined to leave the thread here (might be easier
> to find bodies who aren't working on maven right now). opinions?

If I remember correctly, there was some talk on infrastructure about
creating a whole publishing system with a staging server and a way to
generate the sites via maven or ant or whatever.  I would suggest
moving this discussion over to the infra list.


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