On Sat, 2005-07-02 at 14:52 -0400, Martin Cooper wrote:
> On 6/23/05, robert burrell donkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Wed, 2005-06-22 at 14:40 -0700, Phil Steitz wrote:
> > 
> > <snip>
> > 
> > > Interpreted literally, 17 goes against standard practice in jakarta (or
> > > apache, to my knowledge, other than in the incubator).  I would
> > > recommend that new packages require existing committers to support them.
> > > I would at least recommend changing "Anyone" to "Any apache committer."
> > >      If an individual has already contributed enough to be voted in as a
> > > committer, then that should be done in a separate VOTE.
> > 
> > this certainly doesn't reflect the current practise in the jakarta
> > commons. though anyone can propose a new component, they really won't
> > have any chance of winning a VOTE unless they have the support of
> > existing committers.
> > 
> > there is also the issue of the incubator: any new component bringing
> > code from outside apache would need to be incubated.
> We have a few different scenarios here, I believe.
> 1) A new component is proposed, with no existing code to back it up.
> I'm not sure that this has ever happened in Jakarta Commons, or is
> likely to happen in the new subproject, so frankly I don't much care
> about how that would work. ;-)

yep. vaporware can take care of itself :)

> 2) A new component is proposed by an existing Apache committer. This
> will almost certainly be backed up by code in the sandbox.
> Historically, in Jakarta Commons, there hasn't so much been a
> proposal, but rather a new project materialises in the sandbox. This
> has, in part, been responsible for dregs that lie around forever. This
> could be handled through the "after 6 months" vote that has been
> mentioned in another thread.

then at some time later, a promotion vote is held.

> 3) A new component is proposed by a non-committer. Code to back up
> such a proposal would necessarily be coming from somewhere else. This
> is a situation in which the component should, I believe, come in
> through the incubator. The incubation process would resolve the
> questions of committers, etc., before the component lands in the new
> subproject. (I want to emphasise here, for the folks that might be
> concerned about this, that incubation need not be an onerous process,
> and can happen rather quickly, if conditions are right.)


> I would suggest that we come up with wording in the charter to reflect
> these scenarios, rather than trying to crib from the Jakarta Commons
> charter in this instance.


maybe the whole sandbox issue should have it's own subsection detailing
how the sandbox is to work and how promotion should work.

> > is 19 needed in addition to 15?
> This seems to be a different topic entirely, but my vote would be yes,
> because 15 relates only to the proposal, while 19 relates to the
> component as it exists, and is developed, within the subproject.

sorry: meant 17

- robert

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