Here is a stab at replacement text for 15, 17 and 18.

15-1 Any member of the community may propose a new package. To be accepted, a package proposal must receive majority approval of the subproject committers and at least one committer must volunteer to serve as an initial package team member. Proposals should identify the rationale for the package, its scope, its interaction with other packages and products, the <insert-subproject-name> resources, if any, to be created, the initial source from which the package is to be created, and the sponsoring committers.

15-2 The subproject will maintain an svn repository, referred to as the <i>sandbox</i>, as a workplace for new packages. Once approved, new packages must all begin in the sandbox. Any apache committer may contribute code directly to the sandbox and this code may form the initial source for new packages. Code from existing apache projects can, with the support of the contributing projects, also be imported directly into the sandbox. Finally, patches contributed incrementally by community members may be committed to the sandox by a subproject committer. If the initial source for a new package is from outside of apache, the new package must be brought into apache via the apache incubator.

15-3 A majority vote among subproject commiters is required to "graduate" a package from the "sandbox" to become a proper package. Only proper packages may make releases. If a package remains in the sandbox for more than six months, a majority vote will be required to prevent its being archived from svn and removed from the subproject web site and any other public locations (e.g. nightly or continuous integration builds). Proper packages may not release code with dependencies on sandbox packages.

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