> +1.
> Let's leave Jakarta out of the names. It's assumed. So in the acronym
> example from Frank, it would be Apache Jakarta WP4J and not JWP4J.

Makes sense.

> Firstly, don't worry about the committership part Frank. I'm certain that
> if you had a decently sized lump of code accepted, and wanted to continue
> to maintain and enhance it and the code around, that we'll quickly
> nominate committership and get it passed etc. There's doubt in that people
> are involved etc, but I've never seen the community refuse to let someone
> in who is actively doing work and wanting in.

That is definitely one of my concerns... I absolutely want to continue to
evolve what I started and build upon it, and now I have others getting
involved too so I have even more of a concern than when it was just me
because they are affected too.

> I went through the same situation Frank is heading into a few years back.
> I had a large lump of code, some good, some crap that I wanted to donate
> into various Commons projects. Some was accepted, some was not. I'm pretty
> certain that not all of javawebparts.sf.net will end up in Jakarta <name>.
> Some of it will be code that you like Frank.

I can live with that, but of course it matters how much is deemed "crap"
:)  If 80% of it wound up being accepted, and assuming that 80% included
some of the more interesting stuff (AjaxTags for instance), then I'd be OK
with that.  I don't know what percentage winds up making me happy or
unhappy either, I just pulled 80% out of my a** :)

> This means that you'll hit a point where Jakarta <name> will have some of
> your best code, and the rest will be sitting in javawebparts and you'll
> have to decide what to do with it. Do you keep copies of the Jakarta
> <name> stuff (problematic)? Do you keep javawebparts as an addition to the
> Jakarta <name> stuff (see http://www.osjava.org/genjava/)?

An addition seems reasonable... and who knows, even the stuff that doesn't
get accepted initially could wind up building a community on its own and
get added later, so that doesn't bother me.

> In either case, the name javawebparts will be confusing when compared to
> Jakarta <name> if <name> = Web Parts. So you've three options I reckon:


> 1) Drop the code that doesn't make it in.
> 2) Have a different project name for the code that doesn't make it in.
> 3) Vote for something else :)
> 1+2 both involve deprecating the javawebparts stuff.

Well, 1 involves that... 2 just involves a name change, which I'd be OK
with if I was involved with the Apache project on an ongoing basis.  Heck,
I could even call it "WP4J Jr." :)

> Hopefully none of that sounds too aggressive or anything; just trying to
> make this nice and simple so Frank can make his decision and we can
> include or not include Web Parts and WP4J as potential names.

No, not aggressive at all, I very much appreciate the discussion and
consideration!  :)

I'm in a bit of a tough position (which you have gone through, so I know
you understand) because I really do want to be involved with this project,
but there are things that would make the decision very easy if they could
be known up-front, but of course they can't be... What code will actually
be accepted and will I be invited to join as a committer chief among them.

I think you understand the conundrum for me... Java Web Parts is beginning
to build a community, albeit slowly, and I have full control over it (for
the time being anyway)... There are definite benefits to it being subsumed
by an Apache project and being involved with that instead, but I also give
up a fair amount potentially and if I didn't wind up becoming a committer
and having a good chunk of my work accepted, those benefits might not be
worth the trade-off.

I hope I'm not coming across like I'm trying to worm my way into anything
either... I just don't want to lose more than I gain :)

> Let's give Frank a couple of days, then call the vote depending on his
> answer. (Lack of answer means they can't be in the options).

I understand wanting to clear it up before calling a vote, but it might be
better to do the vote sooner than later... at the end of the day, Web
Parts might not win the vote anyway... if it doesn't, than all of this
discussion is moot... I can still contribute my stuff later if I want, but
the project can move forward either way.

> Hen


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