Martin van den Bemt wrote:
> The commons one is probably less straight forward, although could be a lot 
> easier. Since there was a
> commons in the past, it could well be that you don't need to do a lot 
> (website, mailinglists, etc
> already there), besides setting up the karma for the people, moving over the 
> website, etc,etc.. So
> probably best to figure out on infrastructure how to approach this specific 
> situation.

This also raises the question how the HttpClient 3.x code
should be managed. Path-wise it is part of commons in SVN:
but it is maintained by HttpComponents which doesn't move
to the Commons TLP. If it isn't too much effort for infra,
I would suggest to keep that part of the tree under Jakarta
karma control. Either in place, or by moving it to the
HttpComponents part of the repository, for example as


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