Roland Weber wrote:
1. Keep the httpclient site with the rest of commons
and move it to the new TLP domain. We'll have to update
the httpclient build with the new location and redeploy.
(Anything I've forgotten?)

2. Move the httpclient site to httpcomponents. Since
httpcomponents is unlikely to remain in Jakarta
indefinitely, that means the site would move again
later this year. Two moves within a few months is a
bit too disruptive to users for my liking.

3. Keep the httpclient site at it's current location
in Jakarta when the rest of the commons site moves.
Move it only once to httpcomponents when those leave

The question is really whether the Commons TLP owns the HttpClient codebase. I don't believe its terribly sensible for it to do so. All active committers and knowledge are focussed in the HttpComonents group.

Thus I would suggest #3 as the best option, followed by #2.


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