Hi Henri,

Henri Yandell wrote:
> On 6/24/07, Roland Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> [...]
>> 3. Keep the httpclient site at it's current location
>> in Jakarta when the rest of the commons site moves.
>> Move it only once to httpcomponents when those leave
>> Jakarta.
>> Please share your thoughts on this. My preferred option
>> is 3, but I don't know how much trouble that will cause
>> when setting up redirects to the new commons site.
> Probably some. Plus the svn move will be painful.

I'd like to give the svn move a try rather sooner than
later. What kind of problems do you expect? My idea is
to copy the current trunk plus old tags/branches to the
new location, followed by an update of the SVN locations
in the site xdocs. Anything I forgot? If I am not mistaken,
the HttpClient build is independent of the commons build.

> Either 1 or 2 seem fine to me and whatever those committing to
> HttpComponent/HttpClient want to do is fine by me. 3 seems painful to
> do.



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