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-----Original Message-----
From: "David Cross" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 8/6/2008 7:38 AM
Subject: Re: BounceStudio with James via JNI


On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 5:44 AM, Bill Damage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi list,
> Short version:
> Anyone know of any issues regarding JNI with James?
> Long version:
> I'm trying to use BounceStudio (
> with James. Its supplied only as a linux .so file so you have to interface
> to it via JNI. I built the necessary files but all attempts to call into
> BounceStudio method from a mailet just hung the thread processing that mail
> with no messages whatsoever.
> Suspecting either my build process or BounceStudio itself to be at fault, I
> went right back to basics with a minimal "Hello World" type app, and that
> did the same. Apologies for the long post but here are the details:
> System is Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.22-15-386, JDK 1.4 because thats what James
> was built with and I wish to keep any JNI classes at the same version.
> 1. Create HelloJNI.c with the following contents
>  #include <jni.h>
>  #include <stdio.h>
>  #include "HelloJNI.h"
>  Java_HelloJNI_print(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj)
>  {
>     printf("Hello JNI!\n");
>     return;
>  }
> 2. create a makefile (called makefile) with the following contents (adjust
> paths to suit):
> JAVA_HOME=/tools/java/j2sdk1.4.2_04
> CC=gcc
> CSRCS=HelloJNI.c
> CFLAGS= -shared -I$(JAVA_HOME)/include -I$(JAVA_HOME)/include/linux/
> JAVAH=$(JAVA_HOME)/bin/javah
> JHFLAGS= -classpath bin/
> JAVA=$(JAVA_HOME)/bin/java
> JAVAC=$(JAVA_HOME)/bin/javac
> JFLAGS= -Xlint -classpath src/:lib/mail-1.3.2.jar -d bin/
> JOUT=HelloJNI.class
> compile : $(CSRCS)
>    $(CC) $(CSRCS) -o $(COUT) $(CFLAGS)
> 3. Create a build script called with the following contents:
> #! /bin/sh
> JavacPath=/opt/java/bin/javac
> JavahPath=/opt/java/bin/javah
> $JavacPath
> $JavahPath -jni HelloJNI
> make compile
> java HelloJNI
> 4. Run and you should see:
> gcc HelloJNI.c -o -shared
> -I/tools/java/j2sdk1.4.2_04/include
> -I/tools/java/j2sdk1.4.2_04/include/linux/
> Hello JNI!
> So we know calling this .so is fine from java.
> 5. Wire up a mailet appropriately in config.xml and base it on this code:
> public class MyMailet extends GenericMailet {
>    private native void print();
>    static {
>    final String libName = "";
>        String hardcodedPath = "/opt/james/apps/james/SAR-INF/lib/"+libName;
>        System.out.println("Loading from: "+hardcodedPath+"...");
>        System.load(hardcodedPath);
>        System.out.println("...Loaded: "+hardcodedPath);
>    }
>    public void service(Mail mail) throws MessagingException {
>"Entering MyMailet service method");
>        System.out.println("Invoking JNI...");
>        try {
>            print();
>        } catch (Exception e) {
>            e.printStackTrace();
>        }
>        System.out.println("...back from analysis");
>    }
> ....
> }
> 6. Start James and note the JNI lib is loaded ok.
> 7. Send an email though James ensuring its matcher is configured to invoke
> this mailet and you see
> Invoking JNI...
> And no more. Send another and you get another Invoking JNI... - its hanging
> on each request and just spawning a new thread for new emails.
> Thanks for any clues
> -- Bill

ˈɣɔˈlɔbəʃ - ghalabesh - A Gibbali word meaning to try to talk a stupid
person over so that he sees the right thing to do.

Enjoy a smile today.

[truncated by sender]

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