It seems that search.cgi does not unescape URL limit.
Check this URL with unescaped URL limit:

Zenon Panoussis wrote:
> Alexander Barkov skrev:
> >
> [ul limit]
> >  search.cgi outputs some debug to stderr and it should appear
> > in apache error.log. Could you check it? Can you see something?
> In error_log:
> Searching with URL limit and with nothing else:
> Category: 00000000/00000000
> Tag     : 00000000/00000000
> Site_id : 00000000
> Start read cache 1 words
>         Opened: /var/mn3110-3/tree/13/A/13A9C000
> Stop read cache:        0.39
> Start merge 2 groups, 10895 words
> Allocate buffer for merged words
> Stop merge groups:      0.00 nwrd=10895 nwrd1=10895
> Searching with URL limit and category limit:
> Category: 20000000/FE000000
> Tag     : 00000000/00000000
> Site_id : 00000000
> Start read cache 1 words
>         Opened: /var/mn3110-3/tree/13/A/13A9C000
> Stop read cache:        0.03
> Start merge 2 groups, 10005 words
> Allocate buffer for merged words
> Stop merge groups:      0.00 nwrd=10005 nwrd1=10005
> The equivalent entries in access_log are:
> - - [16/Feb/2001:18:51:53 +0100] "GET
> HTTP/1.0" 200 27522 "" "Mozilla/4.7 [en]
> (WinNT; U)"
> and
> - - [16/Feb/2001:18:53:21 +0100] "GET
> HTTP/1.0" 200 27622
> "Mozilla/4.7 [en] (WinNT; U)"
> respectively.
> Z
> --
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