Ramil Kalimullin skrev:
> I've locate this bug.
> At http://search.freewinds.cx/
> try enter "http://home.worldnet.fr/" in "limit search to domain/path" field,
> "test" in "keywords" field and press "submit".

I tried with quotes, literally "http://home.worldnet.fr/" and 
without quotes, http://home.worldnet.fr/ , searching for test. 
In both cases the first URL returned belongs to the correct 
domain, but the rest comes from anywhere.

> If you change "ul=http%3A%2F%2Fhome.worldnet.fr%2F" to
> "ul=http://home.worldnet.fr/" at address field,
> searh returns proper result.

But if you enter http://home.worldnet.fr/ the client 
browser will always "webbify" it and send it as  
ul=http%3A%2F%2Fhome.worldnet.fr%2F . Are you telling me 
that you managed to make it work? 

#tail -1000 /var/log/httpd/access_log |grep 'worldnet' |less

Hmm. This is me: 

marcab.xs4all.nl - - [16/Feb/2001:19:14:08 +0100] "GET
A%2F%2Fhome.worldnet.fr%2F&q=test HTTP/1.0" 200 27537
"Mozilla/4.7 [en] (WinNT; U)"

And this is you:

gw.udmsearch.izhnet.ru - - [16/Feb/2001:18:59:59 +0100] "GET
http://home.worldnet.fr/&q=test HTTP/1.1" 200 27135 "-" "Mozilla/4.0
(compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)"

But you can't possibly have sent the "non-webbified" input via 
your browser. How did you do it? Telnet search.freewinds.cx 80 
wouldn't report as Mozilla <scratching head>


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