
What are the problems that will be created? Please enumerate them. How
is it being handled / smoothed over now and what would change
specifically to make the cooperation not happen.

If you can point your finger to specific scenarios. We can see if we
can come up with specific solutions. (Say common svn area where both
committers can have access).

Also, Don't mind me, i repeat my mantra for the n-th time again. Those
who are actively working on a day to day basis should be taking the
decisions. What we are doing is not working and i propose we try
something new to see if it will work.


On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 2:59 PM, Eran Chinthaka
> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 2:21 PM, Deepal jayasinghe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> Eran Chinthaka wrote:
>> > I hope I'm still not late to comment on this.
>> >
>> > I'm also with Sanjiva on this issue. Axis2 is just not Axis2 project
>> > alone. Axiom and others are integral parts of it. Couple of
>> > challenges/questions from me.
>> >
>> > 1. Let's take the Glen's proposal on two projects and list down the
>> > developers in each project.
>> Hehe , then what Apache should do is remove all the TLPs and their PMC's
>> and list down developers in different projects :)
> I think you didn't get what I meant here. According to Glen's suggestion,
> Axiom and Axis2 will be on two different projects. What is the meaning of
> that if its the same people in both the groups.
> Also one more concern. I think Axis2/Java is more connected to Axiom than
> Axis2/C. So keeping Axis2/C and Axis2/Java in one project and leaving out
> Axiom makes no sense to me.
> Removing all the TLPs in Apache is not by any means analogous to that.
>> The one idea of TLP is to build small communities and improve them ,
>> then automatically Apache as a whole will be improved.
> Nice quote Deepal. You have already started to become a philosopher ;)
>> > So is it worth doing this? I'm extremely sorry if I'm missing
>> > something, but still I can not see a compelling argument to move on to
>> > a new TLP.
>> As I can see you looking at the problem in differently ,
>> its not about
>> who is going to be the PMC chair , or whether we are going to become a
>> PMC in some other list. Its about get more visibility to the projects
>> and enhance the project.
> Wow, what sort of *more* visibility you will get by doing this? Can you
> please elaborate a bit? Will we see thousands of more Axis2 downloads after
> this? Or will see developers competing to send patches to Axis2 and Axiom?
> I personally think creating separate TLPs will create more problems and
> unnecessary separation within the community.
> Thanks,
> Chinthaka

Davanum Srinivas ::

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