excerpted below, on  Sat, 26 May 2007 22:20:34 +0000:

> I've not done it and don't know the details of the protocol, so can't
> really argue from the practical end, but if it requires that, how'd they
> ever do it back in the day, before XFree86, let alone xorg?  Back then,
> 10Mbps Ethernet would have been fast, 2 Mbps would have been standard,
> let alone dialup.  Sure, screen sizes were smaller back then, but that
> much?

OK, so I see the answer... single apps with smaller windows, not the 
entire desktop run remotely.  And Conway's point about compression 
sometimes slowing things down if the CPUs are slow compared to the 
network makes sense as well.  CPU speeds (and now cores) have increased 
faster than network speeds, I believe, tho I've not done the math on 
actual years.  The network may well have been fast enough for the CPUs, 
back then.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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