excerpted below, on  Sat, 02 Jun 2007 05:53:37 +0000:

> Everything's working fine again here, now, so if you are still having
> issues, maybe you /do/ have something sick on your system.  Hopefully,
> however, it was simply a blip, related to what I was seeing or not.

Spoke too soon.  I had gotten the arstechnica main page, but after 
sending the reply here stating that, tried some of the stories linked off 
the page, and it didn't work, then tried reloading the main page, didn't 
work, tried other sites, no-work.  Turns out privoxy had locked up 
again.  killed/zapped/started it again, and I can get to other sites 
again.  So something on the other pages is killing privoxy, and it's 
probably /not/ related to what you were seeing.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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