2008/6/2 Mark Haney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Beso wrote:
>> 2008/6/2 Mark Haney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>  ionut cucu wrote:
>>>  On Sun, 1 Jun 2008 20:59:02 +0200
>>>>  Man, I've opened up a HUGE can o'worms here.  I didn't mean to.  But
>>> back
>>> to the reason for the post, I cannot find the correct KDE4.1 overlay.  I
>>> read that it was kdesvn-portage, but it's not that I can tell.  So, if
>>> it's
>>> not there, where is it.  I'm all for testing the crap out of it and
>>> reporting bugs at this point.
>> the 4.1 beta should be at least 4.0.80 version. that overlay should be the
>> one of the 4.1 support thread and should have the old ebuild system. 4.1
>> shouldn't hit portage until official release (about 1 or 2 week after
>> release). the last i've checked that overlay had the old 4.1 alpha 1,
>> already surpassed in quality and stability by the paludis-kde4 scm
>> overlay.
>> you'll just still have to check how does that overlay (the one mentioned
>> in
>> the 4.1 support thread) evolve and hope it works. i haven't tried it
>> myself,
>> but i know 2 things:
>> 1. kde 4.1 should be much more stable than kde 4.0.x or kde4-scm versions
>> available in portage and kde4-experimental overlay
>> 2. i've tried it on a livecd and works fine for me, so if it doesn't
>> really
>> work well then maybe it's due to the overlay mantainers not doing a good
>> work.
> Beso, I tried to get the kde4-live overlay and layman sys it doesn't exist.
>  Even when I pulled in the xml file via the URL it didn't come up.  Ah well,
> maybe I'll just wait for 4.1 to be released.
as i've said i've not tried it out myself, but they posted an xml which
should be added to layman and then he should find and add the overlay.
alternatively you could just manually do a git clone or svn co of the
repository and then add the main directory to make.conf in the overlay dirs.

dott. ing. beso

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