2008/6/1 Hemmann, Volker Armin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Samstag, 31. Mai 2008, David Leverton wrote:
> > On Saturday 31 May 2008 20:25:42 Hemmann, Volker Armin wrote:
> > > New in pkgcore:
> > > --ignore-failures:
> > > [snip]
> > >
> > > people who asked for a similar functionality in paludis were called
> > > stupid. (asking for skipfirst equivalent)
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~] $ paludis --help
> > [snip]
> >   --continue-on-failure  Whether to continue after a fetch or install
> error
> >       if-fetch-only        If fetching only (default)
> >       never                Never
> >       if-satisfied         If remaining packages' dependencies are
> > satisfied if-independent       If independent of failed and skipped
> > packages always               Always (UNSAFE)
> oh, cool. After calling everybody stupid and retarded who asked for
> something
> like that, they finally implemented it. That is what I call adult
> behaviour.

well, yours is equal.... it seems that the explanation of how the
continue-on-failure works and on what differences (noticeable ones) are
between the 2 flags hasn't reached your mind. you who continue to just flame
against a piece of software just because it has been done by someone you
don't like, without even considering its good and bad sides are no less than
the ones you just look down on. it was you who has brought out the flame
when it wasn't necessary and when i was replying to a duncan's question
which had nothing to do with flames and shouldn't bother package installers
behaviour. and everytime the things would have taken the road to calm down
you would just get out with other flames. it seems that you like a lot
flaming... well, maybe it's time to settle down a little and if you want to
flame post another thread with flame paludis vs other world as subject and
flame there. whoever reads the subject of the thread would not think to see
a flame between paludis and portage.

dott. ing. beso

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