On Friday 24 April 2009 10:01:29 Duncan wrote:
> Markos Chandras <hwoar...@gentoo.org> posted
> 200904240940.01333.hwoar...@gentoo.org, excerpted below, on  Fri, 24 Apr
> 2009 09:39:52 +0100:
> > qmake will read the QMAKESPEC variable. This variable is 'usually' set
> > as /usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/default which is a symlink to the actual
> > mkspec. So my symlink is right
> >
> > That is
> >
> > Eternity ~ # ls -la /usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/|grep default lrwxrwxrwx  1
> > root root   12 2009-04-23 19:33 default -> linux-g++-64
> But could it be failing to dereference the symlink?  IOW, is it trying to
> match "default" rather than "linux-g++-64"?  I've seen that error a
> number of times and it's a hard one to catch in the logic flow if one's
> dereference assumptions are incorrect.
According to qt-creator upstream , qmake is always looking for default symlink 
in order to identify the correct mkspec. So , internally, qmake will run 
something like this

qmake QMAKESPEC=/usr/share/qt4/mkspec/default qt-creator.pro

According to generated makefiles, QMAKESPEC is set to /usr/share/qt4/linux-
g++-64 , but that path is wrong. It should  be /usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/linux-
But that shouldnt be a problem as long as the mkspec host is identified 

Gosh, what a mess
> > Of course it needs further investigation but it is rather complicated
> > to do this right now
> Understood.
> The problem just interested me enough to see what I could make of it, and
> I posted what I came up with in the hope that it might be of help to you
> or anyone else deciding to take it further... which decision would depend
> on having the time, of course.  If you/we are lucky, some other user with
> a bit of time and technical skills is reading, and will find the
> discussion intriguing enough to followup on and file a bug with a patch.
> =:^)
> Meanwhile, as you said, "the workaround is quite safe and doesn't cause
> any further problems :)"

Markos Chandras (hwoarang)
Gentoo Linux Developer
Web: http://hwoarang.silverarrow.gr

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