On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 7:09 AM, The Doctor<dr...@virtadpt.net> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Mark Knecht wrote:
>>    QUESTION: Is there something small, fast but also easy to use in
>> terms of the environment automatically creating menus when apps are
>> added or removed with emerge?
> I know you mentioned not really wanting to run one of the /*box/ window
> managers because you'd run one before, but something just came to mind.
>  I ran Openbox for a few years because it fit just the criteria that you
> described, and returning to their website I found a page that describes
> how to integrate it with Gnome, so you could still use the menus without
> having to hand-edit the menu config file.

Good to know. thanks!

It's not that I don't want to run one of the /*box/ products. More
that I just want a *reasonable* amount of menu management as I install
and uninstall apps.

> I might try that later, actually.
> You might also want to look into XFCE to see if it'll work the way you
> want it to.  I've played with it a little on my media machine but don't
> have a whole lot to say about it right now.

XFCE seems pretty nice. It has a light feel, menus are handled, at
least in the sense of the apps I had installed and were showing up in
Gnome menus are there in XFCE. I don't like that it doesn't, at least
out of the box on my computer, support multiple file drag & drop
actions, but maybe it supports that sort of thing through cut & paste.
Not sure. (Just thought of that one.)

I did build EWM (E16 I think) this morning. It's quite interesting, in
the sense that there are multiple desktops and things. Very
minimalistic. Seems to have a large list of configurations I can do.
The problem as an uninformed new user is I have no clue how to even
start an app like Firefox! That one will take a bit of study.

Anyway, I appreciate your ideas and inputs. I'll look at openbox this afternoon.


> - --
> The Doctor [412/724/301/703]
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> WWW: http://drwho.virtadpt.net/
> "Take back, take back, take back the dancefloor!"
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