Mark Knecht posted on Tue, 24 May 2016 15:11:20 -0700 as excerpted:

> Anyway, I guess if it was me I'd use the one you have short term while
> at the hotel and then look at my house system when I landed someplace
> permanent and try to go as fast as possible then.

Bridge mode.  Thanks.

And sticking with the old router is a reasonable suggestion.  I'm just 
not sure it's actually going to be practical in the shared hotel 
environment.  But with G mode now quite outdated, provided the hotel 
still offers that and I'd guess they do still offer at least G (tho maybe 
not A/B), it /might/ mean I'm about the only one on it and 
/could/ mean I even get better speeds than I would on the N and AC modes 
if they're clogged.

I'll have to call and confirm they offer G mode...

Worst case, I don't have Internet for three months and watch TV and/or 
get a lot of books read.

> Good luck with the move. Moving is tough. Stay cool in this heat.

Yeah.  The two good points are (1) that the city is actually paying 
commercial movers for the move, which I effectively signed off on today, 
so worst-case, I don't do anything and let them do it all, but end up 
storing a bunch of stuff I'd probably get rid of if I did it myself, and 
not having the stuff I'd keep as sorted, but it does kind of lower the 
stress as one way or another it'll get done, and (2) while it's 
unpleasantly forcing me out of my familiar shell in the near term, the 
change should be healthy for me long term.

As for the heat, I've not felt it much yet this year.  Given that it's 
happening at the very early tip of June, I hope/expect it won't be too 
bad.  I'm a bit worried about the move out of the temp housing at the end 
of August, however.  Except if I get my butt in gear and have things 
sorted and a lot thrown out at this end on the first, then I'll have less 
to deal with on the other end and it'll be already sorted.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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