Duncan posted on Tue, 24 May 2016 21:47:57 +0000 as excerpted:

> But, unless it's effectively an Ethernet connected router, so no
> drivers,
> I'll need to pick it up and install drivers and a wifi config before I
> actually move, so I don't get stuck needing a connection to get the
> drivers to use /for/ the connection.

Hmm, Fry's seems to have a...

Netgear WNCE3001 Wireless Dual-Band Internet Adapter for Smart TV and Blu-


It's a dual-band N600 "bridge", with a single Ethernet port to plug in 
whatever Ethernet device and connect it wirelessly.

The biggest caveat is that /some/ of the reviews say it drops the 
connection if there's no actual streaming going on, so it works best in 
streaming applications.  However, others say it works fine for their 
computer applications as well.  I figure if I buy at the local Frys I can 
return/exchange it if necessary.

And the two good points are #1 that I can plug it into the WAN port on my 
old existing router, and keep the VoIP phone and computer connected to it 
as I have them now, with probably very little reconfig of anything, as 
the router's WAN is already set for DHCP, etc, for the cable modem, and 
#2 the cost of $40+tx, appropriately reasonable for a temporary solution 
of a few months.

It is only 100Mbit Ethernet, not gigabit, but so is the router, so that 
shouldn't be a huge problem, tho I'd certainly consider it rather more so 
if I were paying $100+ for it.

It's also N only, not AC, and not A/B/G, but I have the A/B/G on the old 
router if I decide to activate it, and N only is /relatively/ current, 
current enough for the price.  I forgot to ask the hotel when I called 
what bands, but surely they support N, and I'll double-check b4 I go to 
buy it.

What's nice is that I should still be able to use that with the amd64-
based router when I set it up, so I can stay with my original plan of 5-
way (4LAN/1WAN) Gigabit-ethernet wired and only buy upgraded wireless for 
it later if I decide to.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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