On Wednesday 04 February 2004 04:09 pm, Stroller wrote:
> I recall a while back there were some changes that were necessary to be
> merged into fstab; in fact mine contains the following 3 lines:
>    # added by baselayout- - 5/7/2003
>    # NOTE: The next line is critical for boot!
>    none                    /proc           proc            defaults
>    0 0

yes, sometimes changes like this are introduced ... more likely with system 
groups/users being introduced than fstab, but it does happen

> But aside from that, fstab and some other systems files never change; I
> always think these should be distributed as /etc/fstab.example and so
> on. The Installation documentation could be changed to say "copy & edit
> your fstab like so: cp /etc/fstab.example /etc/fstab && nano -w
> /etc/fstab`" and users would have the benefit of a back-up of the
> original should they ever b0rk theirs up.

thats kind of the point of backing up the files ... you cant screw up your 
files if you back them up

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