Other potential global use flags. Also potential QA faults.

sort -t : -k 2 use.local.desc
media-video/mplayer:3dnowex - Enables 3dnow extensions in mplayer
probably should use global 3dnow

media-video/vlc:a52 - Enables liba52 audio support
media-video/avidemux:a52 - Enables support for decoding ATSC A/52 streams used 
in DVD
media-video/transcode:a52 - Enables support for decoding ATSC A/52 streams used 
in DVD

www-servers/skunkweb:apache1 - enable apache1 support if internal server and 
apache2 support not wanted
should maybe be !apache2

net-dialup/gammu:bluetooth - Enable Bluetooth Support
net-dialup/gnokii:bluetooth - Enable Bluetooth Support
app-pda/multisync:bluetooth - Enable Bluetooth support with IRMC
net-wireless/obexftp:bluetooth - Install bluez so obexftp can detect and build 
BT support.

media-video/mplayer:cdparanoia - Enables cdparanoia support
kde-base/kdemultimedia-kioslaves:cdparanoia - Enables support for audiocd 
browsing and ripping
kde-base/kdemultimedia:cdparanoia - Enables support for audiocd browsing and 
kde-base/mpeglib:cdparanoia - Enables support for audiocd browsing and ripping

mail-filter/bsfilter:chasen - Adds support for chasen
app-text/estraier:chasen - Enable chasen support for Estraier
app-text/namazu:chasen - Enable chasen support for namazu

sys-boot/arcboot:cobalt - Disables support for Cobalt Microserver hardware 
sys-kernel/mips-headers:cobalt - Enables support for Cobalt Microserver 
hardware (Qube2/RaQ2)
sys-kernel/mips-sources:cobalt - Enables support for Cobalt Microserver 
hardware (Qube2/RaQ2)

app-shells/dash:diet - Compile and link with dietlibc
media-sound/mcdp:diet - Compile and link with dietlibc
sys-apps/busybox:diet - Compile and link with dietlibc
sys-apps/mkinitrd:diet - Compile and link with dietlibc
sys-fs/e2fsprogs:diet - Compile and link with dietlibc

media-libs/libquicktime:dv - Enables support for a codec used by many camcorders
media-video/mjpegtools:dv - Enables support for a codec used by many camcorders
media-video/transcode:dv - Enables support for a codec used by many camcorders

media-video/vlc:dvdread - Enables usage of Ogle's libdvdread for DVD playback
media-video/mplayer:dvdread - Enables usage of Ogle's libdvdread rather than 
mpdvdkit for DVD playback
media-video/transcode:dvdread - Enables usage of Ogle's libdvdread rather than 
mpdvdkit for DVD playback

dev-java/jdictrayapi:examples - Install example source code
dev-java/jmock:examples - Install example source code
dev-java/mx4j:examples - Install example source code
dev-java/xerces:examples - Install example source code
dev-libs/qsa:examples - build the examples that come with qsa

games-emulation/advancemame:expat - Enable the use of dev-libs/expat
games-emulation/advancemenu:expat - Enable the use of dev-libs/expat
games-emulation/xmame:expat - Enable the use of dev-libs/expat
games-emulation/xmess:expat - Enable the use of dev-libs/expat
net-misc/neon:expat - Use the expat xml library instead of libxml2
dev-scheme/bigloo-lib:expat - enable expat support

sys-cluster/lam-mpi:f77 - Adds support for f77
dev-util/xmingw-gcc:f77 - Build support for the f77 language
dev-lang/R:f77 - Use f77 to compile FORTRAN sources.

media-tv/xawdecode:ffmpeg - Enable ffmpeg support
media-video/cinelerra-cvs:ffmpeg - Enable ffmpeg support
media-video/tcvp:ffmpeg - Enable ffmpeg support
media-video/vlc:ffmpeg - Enables the use of external ffmpeg library for video 
games-misc/jugglemaster:ffmpeg - export MPEGs using ffmpeg and images

x11-wm/metisse:freetype - Enable freetype font support
x11-base/kdrive:freetype - Enables Freetype font support
media-video/vlc:freetype - Enables freetype font support

dev-util/xmingw-gcc:gcj - Build gcj (java compiler included with gcc package)
sys-devel/gcc:gcj - Build gcj (java compiler included with gcc package)
dev-java/java-gtk:gcj - Enable building with gcj
dev-java/libgconf-java:gcj - Enable building with gcj
dev-java/libglade-java:gcj - Enable building with gcj
dev-java/libgnome-java:gcj - Enable building with gcj
dev-java/libgtk-java:gcj - Enable building with gcj

games-util/xqf:geoip - Add geoip support
net-p2p/nicotine:geoip - Enable GeoIP support
app-admin/webalizer:geoip - Enable support for IP country lookup
dev-ruby/ruby-amazon:geoip - enable GeoIP support
games-util/aabrowse:geoip - lookup countries by IP addresses via the GeoIP 

sci-mathematics/yacas:glut - Build an OpenGL plugin using the GLUT library
app-emulation/wine:glut - Enable glut support
dev-ml/lablgl:glut - Enable glut support.
media-gfx/nvidia-cg-toolkit:glut - enable glut support

media-video/streamdvd:gui - Installs also the GUI for this package
may use X

gnome-base/gnome-vfs:hal - Enable Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) support
gnome-base/gnome:hal - Enable Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) support
gnome-extra/nautilus-cd-burner:hal - Enable Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) 
media-sound/sound-juicer:hal - Enable Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) support
media-video/vlc:hal - support for hal (hardware abstraction layer)

net-im/gnomemeeting:howl - Enable howl (Zeroconf) support
gnome-base/gnome-vfs:howl - Enable howl support, enables DNS Service Discovery 
media-sound/daapd:howl - Enable howl support, enables DNS Service Discovery 

app-vim/gentoo-syntax:ignore-glep31 - Remove GLEP 31 (UTF-8 file encodings) 
Realy? removing a conditionally enforced GLEP?

app-text/sword-modules:intl - Enable different languages
Is this the same as nls?

sys-devel/gcc-mips64:ip28 - Enable building a compiler capable of building an 
SGI IP28 kernel
sys-devel/gcc:ip28 - Enable building a compiler capable of building an SGI IP28 
sys-kernel/mips-sources:ip28 - Enables support for SGI Indigo2 Impact R10000

dev-java/gnu-javamail:javadoc - Generate API documentation
what about doc

media-libs/openvrml:javascript - Script node JavaScript support
dev-php/PEAR-HTML_Template_Flexy:javascript - Use the PEAR-HTML_Javascript 
net-www/links:javascript - enable javascript support

media-libs/libsdl:libcaca - Add support for colored ASCII-art graphics
media-video/vlc:libcaca - Enables libcaca colored ascii output
media-video/mplayer:libcaca - Enables libcaca support, colored ASCII-art 
media-libs/xine-lib:libcaca - Support for libcaca (colored ascii output)

kde-base/kdebase:lm_sensors - Adds linux lm_sensors (hardward sensors) support
kde-base/ksysguard:lm_sensors - Adds linux lm_sensors (hardward sensors) support
net-analyzer/net-snmp:lm_sensors - Adds linux lm_sensors mib support

app-office/magicpoint:m17n-lib - Enable m17n-lib (Multilingual Library) support.
app-i18n/uim-svn:m17n-lib - Enable m17n-lib support
app-i18n/uim:m17n-lib - Enable m17n-lib support

www-client/w3m-m17n:migemo - Enables migemo support
www-client/w3m:migemo - Enables migemo support
net-www/kazehakase:migemo - enable migemo support for Japanese incremental 

net-wireless/libbtctl:mono - Add Mono Bluetooth bindings
sys-apps/dbus:mono - Build Mono bindings to support dotnet type stuff
dev-libs/gmime:mono - Build mono bindings

media-sound/bpmdj:mp3 - Add support for reading mp3 files
media-sound/beep-media-player:mp3 - Enable the MP3 input plugin (mpg123)
media-sound/tagtool:mp3 - Enables id3lib support for tagging mp3's
media-video/tcvp:mp3 - Enables mp3 module so mp3 format can be used (legal 
issues most likely..)

app-editors/xemacs:neXt - Chooses the neXt L&F widget set
app-text/ptex:neXt - Enable neXt toolkit
app-text/tetex:neXt - Enable neXt toolkit
app-text/xdvik:neXt - Enable neXt toolkit

games-emulation/xmame:net - Add network support
games-emulation/xmess:net - Add network support
media-video/mplayer:network - Enables network streaming support
media-video/transcode:network - Enables network streaming support

sci-biology/aaindex:no-emboss - Do not index the database files for use with 
sci-biology/cutg:no-emboss - Do not index the database files for use with EMBOSS
sci-biology/prints:no-emboss - Do not index the database files for use with 
sci-biology/prosite:no-emboss - Do not index the database files for use with 
sci-biology/rebase:no-emboss - Do not index the database files for use with 
sci-biology/transfac:no-emboss - Do not index the database files for use with 

sci-biology/aaindex:no-rawdb - Do not install the original database files (keep 
only indexed files)
sci-biology/cutg:no-rawdb - Do not install the original database files (keep 
only indexed files)
sci-biology/prints:no-rawdb - Do not install the original database files (keep 
only indexed files)
sci-biology/prosite:no-rawdb - Do not install the original database files (keep 
only indexed files)
sci-biology/rebase:no-rawdb - Do not install the original database files (keep 
only indexed files)
sci-biology/transfac:no-rawdb - Do not install the original database files 
(keep only indexed files)

net-misc/vnc:server - Build VNC client
games-strategy/wesnoth:server - Enable compilation of server
net-im/silc-toolkit:server - Enables silc server

app-admin/sudo:skey - Add support for one time passwords (single use passwords)
app-crypt/johntheripper:skey - Enable S/Key (Single use password) 
authentication cracking support
net-misc/openssh:skey - Enable S/Key (Single use password) authentication 
sys-apps/shadow:skey - Enable S/Key (Single use password) authentication support

app-crypt/gnupg:smartcard - Enables smartcard support
net-misc/openssh:smartcard - Enables smartcard support
net-misc/strongswan:smartcard - Enables smartcard support
I plan on adding app-crypt/gpg-agent with smartcard too

dev-db/octopus:source - Zip the sources and install them
dev-java/dtdparser:source - Zip the sources and install them
dev-java/jdictrayapi:source - Zip the sources and install them
dev-java/mx4j:source - Zip the sources and install them
dev-java/xerces:source - Zip the sources and install them
dev-java/xml-commons-resolver:source - Zip the sources and install them
dev-java/xml-xmlbeans:source - Zip the sources and install them
dev-java/xmlunit:source - Zip the sources and install them
dev-java/mockobjects:source - Zip the sources and install them

media-plugins/mythdvd:transcode - Enable DVD ripping and transcoding
media-video/chaplin:transcode - Enable DVD ripping and transcoding

sys-kernel/development-sources:ultra1 - If you have a SUN Ultra 1 with a HME 
sys-kernel/gentoo-dev-sources:ultra1 - If you have a SUN Ultra 1 with a HME 
sys-kernel/gentoo-sources:ultra1 - If you have a SUN Ultra 1 with a HME 
sys-kernel/sparc-sources:ultra1 - If you have a SUN Ultra 1 with a HME interface

dev-lisp/sbcl:unicode - build SBCL with support for Unicode
unicode is already global

media-video/vlc:utf8 - Enables utf8 support
is this different from unicode?

media-video/freej:v4l - Enables freej to pull from v4l sources
media-video/mplayer:v4l - Enables video4linux support
media-video/transcode:v4l - Enables video4linux support
media-video/vlc:v4l - Enables video4linux support
media-video/tcvp:v4l - Support video for linux input.  Need v4l built into your 
kernel first

app-text/a2ps:vanilla - Do not add extra patches which change default behaviour
net-im/psi:vanilla - Refrain from adding non official patches
mail-client/mutt:vanilla - Refrain from patching additional functionality into 
sys-kernel/development-sources:vanilla - keep the kernel sources in a vanilla 
state and do not apply anything from genpatches.

media-video/winki:vcd - Enables creation of vcds mime preprocessor.
media-video/vlc:vcd - Enables vcd playback support
media-video/chaplin:vcdimager - Enables optional support for GNU VCDimager

kde-base/kdenetwork-meta:wifi - Enable wireless network functions in kde
kde-base/kdenetwork:wifi - Enable wireless network functions in kde
net-misc/knemo:wifi - wireless support

Daniel Black <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Crypto/PPC/dev-embedded/Forensics/NetMon

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