On Sun, Jan 23, 2005 at 12:48:16PM +0930, Daniel wrote:
> dev-java/jdictrayapi:examples - Install example source code
> dev-java/jmock:examples - Install example source code
> dev-java/mx4j:examples - Install example source code
> dev-java/xerces:examples - Install example source code
> dev-libs/qsa:examples - build the examples that come with qsa
I think it makes definitly sense for an global 'examples' useflag
since there are even more packages which could benefit of it.

> dev-util/xmingw-gcc:gcj - Build gcj (java compiler included with gcc package)
> sys-devel/gcc:gcj - Build gcj (java compiler included with gcc package)
> dev-java/java-gtk:gcj - Enable building with gcj
> dev-java/libgconf-java:gcj - Enable building with gcj
> dev-java/libglade-java:gcj - Enable building with gcj
> dev-java/libgnome-java:gcj - Enable building with gcj
> dev-java/libgtk-java:gcj - Enable building with gcj
Same for 'gcj'.
> media-video/streamdvd:gui - Installs also the GUI for this package
replaced gui with X

> dev-db/octopus:source - Zip the sources and install them
> dev-java/dtdparser:source - Zip the sources and install them
> dev-java/jdictrayapi:source - Zip the sources and install them
> dev-java/mx4j:source - Zip the sources and install them
> dev-java/xerces:source - Zip the sources and install them
> dev-java/xml-commons-resolver:source - Zip the sources and install them
> dev-java/xml-xmlbeans:source - Zip the sources and install them
> dev-java/xmlunit:source - Zip the sources and install them
> dev-java/mockobjects:source - Zip the sources and install them
Everything i mentioned for 'examples' also applies here. 

Jan Brinkmann : Gentoo Developer (Amd64, Java, Sound, Video)
Email:          luckyduck (at) gentoo.org
Web:            http://the-luckyduck.de
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