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On Thu, 10 Mar 2005, Alin Nastac wrote:

I'm only annoyed by the bad attitude of some devs who will get involved only what suits them, forgetting that if they would not help, no one will. Btw, what is the sense of ~arch if not "testing"? No gentooer expects from a ~arch ebuild to be stable, so the sky would not fall if you made a mistake and release it under this keyword. When I hear "I cannot mark foo library as ~arch because I don't know how to test it" smells like excuse to me.

When a package is marked ~arch, it's also supposed to work (or have worked in a previous version).

Also it may help to look at things from an arch maintainers points of view. We are responsible for essentially maintaining almost every package in the tree for our architecture. When we ask for testing criteria with regards to a request for keywording, it's because it makes both of our lives easier and helps to improve QA as we arch maintainers don't know a lot about your application and don't have the time to get to know it like you do. This is especially helpful when dealing with libraries.

- -- Jason Wever
Gentoo/Sparc Co-Team Lead
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