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Dylan Carlson wrote:
> On Monday 06 June 2005 16:55, Aron Griffis wrote:
>>I think that attempting to take Gentoo in the "enterprise" direction
>>is a mistake.  I think that we are a hobbyist distribution.  This
>>doesn't mean that we should not strive to meet some of the enterprise
>>goals.  Those things can be important to hobbyists too.  But I don't
>>think we should be aiming for corporate America.
> I've always felt Gentoo is better as a base or platform.  There's certainly 
> enough power in the tools we provide for anyone to roll something 
> "enterprise" based upon our work.  Or for any other purpose, including 
> binary-only.
        There is power in Gentoo, the way you set things up, the choice
provided, the overall goal of Gentoo.  There is not power in our tools.
 Our tools are in fact underpowered IMHO.  Thats one of the areas where
I think work is really needed, and a lot of what I want to work on is
portage-related tools.  Much of this requires new portage API's which
are in progress but take a lot of work.

        There is an installer project that will in principle facilitate large
scale Gentoo deployments, there is a GLEP for a stable tree, there is
hardened, and all of those are great.

> Much in the same way as there are numerous distros that ARE Debian -- 
> derived from and cooperative with, but not separate from.
> People could always try to fork, too, but many of us know how well that 
> went for people who have tried...
        Much better to be a meta meta distro such as Ubuntu that runs off of a
core gentoo install than to fork stuff, especially at present.

> Cheers,

 I think in the end, Gentoo is too much a dynamic entity to be used for
a stable enterprise rollout.  You would need something debianesque with
releases, or a Gentoo Snapshot ( say 2005.0 with bugfixes/security ).  I
wonder at the allocation of things ( say the mySQL profile ) and when
things like that stay on Gentoo-owned hardware, vs. something like
breakmygentoo which is 3rd party.  However I have faith that the
managers will enforce whatever is decided.

The whole point of this Open Source stuff anyway is to adapt things
however you need them, and Enterprise or not everyone has that option.

- -Ajec

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