Aron Griffis wrote:[Tue Jun 07 2005, 11:08:58AM EDT]
> I think that the big companies (including HP, who has also donated
> tens of thousands of dollars of equipment btw) see a lot of
> potential in Gentoo.

Btw, as an hp employee I hope you'll forgive me for tooting the hp
horn a little bit...  I know there are other companies donating
resources and I'm not trying to one-up them.

In addition to the equipment hp has lent, part of my job description
is to "work on Gentoo".  No strings attached, no agenda.  This is
viewed as positive community involvement by the hp Open Source and
Linux Org.

I spend *at least* 1/3 of my time working on Gentoo.  Without getting
into a salary discussion, that's hp donating tens of thousands of
dollars per year.

Now whether you all consider my involvement to be worth that much is
a different matter, of course.  No comments from the peanut gallery,
please. ;-)


Aron Griffis
Gentoo Linux Developer

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