On Tue, 2005-06-07 at 18:18 -0400, Aron Griffis wrote:
> Ciaran would have something to say about this, along the lines of some
> packages sitting idle in ~arch state because the maintainer isn't
> really paying attention.  In that case, who can really blame an arch
> team for moving ahead on their own?

Arch teams still have no reason to move ahead if they did not try to
contact the maintainer(s). Sure, some packages may get 'lost' in large
herds at times, but then the arches who do notice that particular pack
have an extra responsibility to make the maintainer aware of it's state.
Then if the maintainer still remains unresponsive there is sufficient
reason for the arch to act on their own.
In short, arches have to be able to strongly defend their actions if
they are to interfere with the maintainers responsibilities.

- foser

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