On Tue, 2005-06-28 at 12:19 +0200, Ioannis Aslanidis wrote:
> > I still don't see *WHY* you should be different from us. If you want to
> > manage your recruits then they can't be gentoo staff.
> One reason could be that we are _not_ going to be called developers but staff.

Like our infrastructure staff?

Hey, didn't you just read that lcars, who has been around *forever* just
took the developer quiz so he could get access to the portage tree to
maintain sendmail.  Well, I mean, he's been around for so long,
shouldn't he have just been allowed to completely side-step the
recruitment process that is in place?

> > Arch teams have developed a new 'figure', the arch tester. Not official
> > gentoo staff but somehow involved with us; arch teams manage their own
> > arch tester recruitment process. If that's the situation you want then
> > they won't become gentoo staff.
> Didn't I say that was already agreed with devrel?

I don't think anyone has disagreed that you should be in complete
control over whom you recruit as forum-specific moderators.  It is only
when they wish to "move up" to a global moderator or administrator
position that they should be required to complete the official
recruitment process.

> > > And some of us were already doing stuff for Gentoo much before the
> > > quizes became mandatory, so it would be fair that all of us that were
> > > mods/admins before that date would be treated *that* way.
> > 
> > Still, you weren't gentoo staff. Helping out since then doesn't make you
> > any different from the recruitment point of view (IMHO).
> Then the problem is we should have been done in that moment, so this
> is one more reason in favor of taking old mods to staff with no quiz
> stright away.

Again I have to ask.  Are you even reading what people are commenting or
are you just spouting this same thing over and over.

You never were staff.  You never asked to be.  The developers that were
here before the quiz was established were already developers.  You had
no "official" status.  You cannot make a comparison without completely
throwing logic out the window.

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering - Strategic Lead/QA Manager
Games - Developer
Gentoo Linux

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