On Tue, 2005-06-28 at 12:35 +0200, Ioannis Aslanidis wrote:
> > Can anybody explain me the difference between them ?
> Well, you better discuss that with your fellow developers. It was they
> who didn't want us to become developers and gave us the title of staff
> instead.

You really don't give up on these semantics, do you?

All of our infrastructure "developers" whom have not taken the ebuild
quiz are actually "staff".  The *only* distinction between the two is
CVS access.  Please quit trying to make this out to be some form of "us
versus them" argument when there is none.  If *any* of the moderators,
or even forums members, were to take the ebuild quiz and follow the
recruitment process, then they would become "developers" for Gentoo.  It
is as simple as that.

> > > Didn't I say that was already agreed with devrel?
> > 
> > Do I have to quit saying that I think that's wrong? No thanks. You are
> > the only group that will make new devs apart from devrel.
> You are obviously free to state your opinion. But this *maybe* is not
> to be discussed with us.

Discussed with you that you need to follow the same rules as all of the
other Gentoo members?

> If you didn't notice, as Christian already state before, we ARE
> official, we are NOT joining you. We are simply getting our DESERVED
> recognition.

Really?  Where is your account on toucan?  How about your name on the
roll call?

I don't mean to sound rude, but while you have always been a part of
Gentoo, youw ere not official, otherwise we would not be having this
conversation, at all.

> IMHO that argument is more than enough.

However, it is not to some of us.  Perhaps rather than taking such a
stubborn, argumentative stance, you would give positive examples or
arguments with some merit?

At this point, you wouldn't have my vote.

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering - Strategic Lead/QA Manager
Games - Developer
Gentoo Linux

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