On Tue, 2005-08-02 at 18:04 +0100, Tom Martin wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 02, 2005 at 08:17:08AM -0400, Chris Gianelloni <[EMAIL 
> PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If you make the flag global, can you make sure that all of the packages
> > that use this flag exhibit the same behavior when using it.  If they all
> > do their own thing, then I would suggest leaving it local.
> > 
> > Global USE flags are not so much a case of x number of packages use it,
> > but x number of package use it to mean the same thing.
> I didn't realise that the flag was being used in more than one way --
> how else is it being used?

I never said that it was... I just said to make sure to check... ;]

Of course, I agree with everyone else that this shouldn't be a USE flag,
at all.  My personal opinion is that we install the logrotate.d files no
matter what, and users can INSTALL_MASK it if they don't want it.  After
all, is the file installed by default upstream?  If so, then why are we
hiding it behind a USE flag in the first place?

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering - Strategic Lead/QA Manager
Games - Developer
Gentoo Linux

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