On Tue, 02 Aug 2005 13:48:17 -0400 Alec Joseph Warner
| > Files in /etc are expensive in terms of sysadmin time. The only
| > things in /etc should be things that are both necessary and likely
| > to be modified by a sysadmin.
| > 
| And who makes that call, shouldn't the sysadmin decide what is
| necessary  in /etc and what is not? 

Sure. The sysadmin makes the call via USE.

| Why shouldn't portage just install stuff in  /etc and let the sysadmin
| figure out what needs to be there via  INSTALL_MASK?

We already have a perfectly good mechanism for handling optional
components of packages. INSTALL_MASK isn't something that should be
encouraged -- it's not a 'safe' setting.

Ciaran McCreesh
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

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