On Sat, Oct 08, 2005 at 03:45:18PM -0700, Rob Cakebread wrote:
> >How should Portage handle this?
> I've been working on an eclass for these but its not ready.
> I was hoping it'd be as easy as the Ruby gems eclass, because
> they are similar, but eggs don't play nicely in a sandbox yet.

But aren't eggs a bit against the Gentoo philosophy? I mean there are
some eggs that contain precompiled C-extensions. Shouldn't it still be
source builds that just somehow work with setuptools?

> You're probably best off using the straight source for TurboGears
> and its dependencies if you want to install via ebuild for now.

The problem is that even straight source does not play nicely in
ebuilds. Take SQLObject 0.7rc1, when you use the distutils eclass, it
will still download setuptools as an egg and use that to do all
dependency checks and resolutions. For SQLObject you can just delete the
ez_setup dir after unpacking it, then it will use ordinary distutils
with no dependency resolution, but with some packages such as
FormEncode, you HAVE to use setuptools, or do everything manually in the

> Mail me off-list or join #gentoo-python if you're interested
> in working on the easy_install eclass, please.

Should we move this off-list?

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