Andrew Muraco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> is a minimum. A full out doc with all the FAQ and important notes about 
> what needs to be recompiled (in my opinion) would be a much more through 
> upgrade path, ofcourse still include the einfo quick instructions. But I 
> think the masses of users will not be happy when they realize that 
> emerge -e world && emerge -e world means that they will be compiling for 
> the next day (or 2 or 3), so a way to block the upgrade from messing up 
> people that wish to keep 3.3.x as default would be a good idea.

gcc-3.4.* will not be selected as your system compiler after merging it.  The
old gcc profile is still valid, therefore it is kept.  Users have to
consciously go and change their profile to change their gcc, so nothing is
going to just magically break.

Mark Loeser   -   Gentoo Developer (cpp gcc-porting toolchain x86)
email         -   halcy0n AT gentoo DOT org
                  mark AT halcy0n DOT com
web           -

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