For reference, I'm quoting this snippet from earlier in the thread:

Jason Stubbs wrote:
On Sunday 11 December 2005 10:35, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
.. Note:: Future changes to Portage involving support for multiple
repositories may require one news list per repository. Assuming
repositories have some kind of unique identifier, this file could be named

Repositories will definitely have a unique identifier. Perhaps it would be better to use the repository-identifing format from the beginning so that readers are forced to be forwards-compatible? Assuming the readers would then output the repository name, labeling it "gentoo" should work well...


Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
On Wed, 14 Dec 2005 09:11:51 +0900 Jason Stubbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| newsdir="$(portageq envvar PORTDIR)/metadata/news"
| newsdir="$(portageq newsdir gentoo)"
| | Both have one level of indirection. The first has two hard coded
| elements. The first has one. Where is the massive over-indirection?
| | The second allows future changes. The first does not. Where does the | specification come into it? All that would be needed is to allow a
| user a method to name overlays and it'd be useful straight off the
| bat.

The former relies upon existing, widely used functionality together
with a well-defined path. The latter has some magic hard-coded name
voodoo (what's a 'gentoo'?) and is still stuck only supporting a single

Apparently, 'gentoo' is meant to be the identifier for the official gentoo 
repository (portage tree).  It corresponds to 'magic-chicken' below.

Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

Whenever relevant unread news items are found, the package manager will create a
file named ``/var/lib/gentoo/news/news-magic-chicken.unread`` (if it does not
already exist) and append the news item identifier (eg
``2005-11-01-yoursql-updates``) on a new line.

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