On Tue, Dec 27, 2005 at 03:32:04AM +0100, Carsten Lohrke wrote:
> On Tuesday 27 December 2005 03:11, Brian Harring wrote:
> > Either way, still not totally following your complaint, thus an actual
> > example would help (easiest to assume I'm a moron, and start at that
> > level of explanation).
> O.k.
> 1. You have KDE 3.4 and Digikam (version doesn't matter) installed
> 2. You update to KDE 3.5 
> What you now have is the following: KDE 3.5 works fine and Digikam as well, 
> just that it uses KDE 3.4 libs. But what happens: A Digikam update (or you 
> rebuild for whatever reason). You emerge it (against KDE 3.5), but its 
> dependencies (libkipi, libkexif ) are still built against kdelibs 3.4. The 
> result is that compiling Digikam fails. You need to rebuild these 
> dependencies and every other ebuild depending n those against KDE 3.5. And 
> Portage should do that transparently.
> For now I have written slot_rebuild() which detects the problem at least and 
> provides the user with the information what to do, but it's dead ugly.

The version of digikam being merged requires slot=3.5- it should be 
depending on libk* slot=3.5, also, no?

As long as the information is represented dependency wise, portage 
should be able to handle it fine.  Just need to have that info there.

If an ebuild dep/rdeps via || (), then we're getting into whether or 
not portage should be filtering || () down to the selected atom...

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