Jon Portnoy wrote: [Mon Apr 03 2006, 06:52:33PM CDT]
> On Mon, Apr 03, 2006 at 07:35:52PM -0400, Aron Griffis wrote:
> > Clearly this sentence states that Infra has usurped the suspension
> > process.  It's very disappointing since Devrel has put so much work
> > into a process that has been demoted to "recommendation" status.
> > 
> You mean the broken policy.xml everyone wants to replace?

That's rather unfair.  Yes, you and many others want to replace it.  I
think it is fair to say that many other people think it was a good, if
imperfect, start.

> I agree some of the wording should be altered, but I do think it's 
> sensible for infra to cover when devrel falls on its rear.

Of course, it is possible that rational people might disagree that such
an event has happened here.  

Grant Goodyear  
Gentoo Developer
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