From an outsiders point of view, this looks really, really ridiculous. I personally feel that if something like this is even needed (which I don't believe), then it shouldn't be phrased as a "Code of Conduct" which implies strict compliance thereof. That's the gist of what I wanted to toss in, but below are a few conflicts/contradictions to note:

"It's important to remember that a community where people feel uncomfortable or threatened is not a productive one." This is odd considering that the OP calls anyone who disagrees a terrorist. I'm pretty speechless over this one (and annoyed) so I'll leave it as is.

"The Gentoo community and its members treat one another with respect." News to me. I think the users do a good job helping each other. Developer and user relations lack some imo. Developer and Developer relations are worse. Really, I would think it could be argued that developers aren't there to play footsie with people, but to actually do work -- having fun is a by product of doing something enjoyable. At the end of the day though, respect is earned. It isn't doled out by policy. Of course, both of the above quotes incite chuckles when emails are sent back and forth with ad hominem attacks and "don't troll."

The bit about retaining developer status without commit changes doesn't make sense. Sounds like they've been demoted to an AT. Having your access denied should be severe enough that any and all status held with Gentoo should be revoked. If there, for some reason, is a need to temporarily deny access until a ruling can be had, then is another story.
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