Ned Ludd wrote:  [Mon Apr 03 2006, 09:40:54PM EDT]
> Umm ok. I've decided that root is root no matter how you look at it
> and it's not worth getting into a vertical pissing contest over.

Having root doesn't equal having authority.  One of the issues right
now is whether Infra has assumed authority on the basis of power.  If
they didn't have root, wouldn't their decision to grant themselves
authority look rather silly?

A contrast between Infra and the Council is that the former is a team
that has chosen itself (like any other team in Gentoo), the latter is
elected.  The Council has been granted authority by the Foundation
members.  Infra has power by virtue of being entrusted with the keys
to the Gentoo infrastructure, paradoxically it has no authority beyond
the decisions that fall in its domain, those necessary to the daily
running of the Gentoo infrastructure.

Suspending a Ciaran's access falls on the line.  IMHO it was an
overstep, an abuse of power, but an understandable mistake.
I disagree with Infra's refusal to restore Ciaran's access when it was
first requested by Ferris.  I know Devrel and Infra have now reached
an agreement, but frankly I think the situation still stinks, because
it's skirting the agreed-upon Devrel process by suspending Ciaran
before the conclusion of the trial.

Your statement essentially says that power and authority are the same
thing, and there's no point quibbling over it.  I don't buy it.

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