Donnie Berkholz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> Ryan Phillips wrote:
> >git - terrible with lots of tiny little files
> Can you provide some evidence to support this?
> I posted in more detail on SCMs elsewhere today.


git only allows commits from the project parent.  Meaning that if
there was a project laid out like:

If I am in the portage-tree/xorg directory, I would be unable to do
a cg-commit.  Git only commits from the parent project directory, so I
would have to change back to the portage-tree and do a commit on the
entire tree.  We should not required that from an SCM.

Subversion versions each directory.  Tha is why one can change into
portage-tree/some-package and do svn svn commit.  This is different
that git, where the entire tree is versioned as one.  Make sense?

Second issue with git, is that with lots of tiny little files things
don't work so well.  I tried converting our portage tree into a git
tree, and it ran for around 2 days until I finally killed it.  If we
didn't want to preserve history, then maybe it would work out.  But
with the problem I outlined above I still don't see it as a contender.
There are lots of times when one would want to do a commit in one


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