On Friday 05 May 2006 09:20, Bart Braem wrote:
> KDE 3.5.2: 1.5 months (I know our devs get prereleases, so we had this
> time)
Now I think we really explained that well enough, we're working to mark it 
stable as soon as we can.

*We don't care if you wanted it stable yesterday, it will be stable when it's 
ready to go stable.*

And before people start thinking we got 3.5.2 months before it was released, 
the prereleases are three days before final release, they are _not_ for 
testing purposes, they are for binary distributions to prepare packages and 
for us to prepare ebuild, and a "build & run" kind of test to make sure there 
are no obvious problems.

Although modular, KDE 3.5 has to go stable _at once_ and if KMail is totally 
broken, or has major feature loss (it had), we can't go stable.

Now, we're going to stable this as soon as it's possible, but making us lose 
time on this is something you don't want, as that takes time to the bugs 

If you really want, you use ~arch directly, I'm doing that since I started 
using Gentoo, and works as a charm for me.

Diego "Flameeyes" Pettenò - http://farragut.flameeyes.is-a-geek.org/
Gentoo/Alt lead, Gentoo/FreeBSD, Video, AMD64, Sound, PAM, KDE

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