On Thu, 2006-06-08 at 02:42 +0200, Stefan Schweizer wrote:
> Hi,
> I have founded a new Gentoo Project for the Gentoo User Overlay.
> The intention is to give contributors a single place to put their ebuilds -
> a place where they can be downloaded, updated and be moved to portage more
> easily than through bugzilla. It is also a good place for users who would
> like to become developers to learn how to commit and how to not break the
> tree.

We already *have* a single place.  It is bugzilla.

Wasn't it decided that we would *not* end up with some giant overlay
that houses all of the non-tree stuff before the overlays project was
brought into being?  Does this not completely fly in the face of that?

> You can find the project page as a subproject of the overlays project [1]
> The overlay is available on overlays.gentoo.org [2] 
> Initially jokey and myself will be working on this. The current focus is to
> migrate ebuilds from bugzilla into the overlay and to get contributors to
> commit their changes to the overlay instead of updating the bugzilla every
> time.

Please keep the games bugs in bugzilla.  Making this change is a direct
change in games team policy without any prior notice to the games team
and without our permission.

> Anyone who wants to help, please stop by in #gentoo-overlays @ freenode
> [1] http://gentoo.org/proj/en/overlays/sunrise
> [2] http://overlays.gentoo.org/svn/proj/sunrise
> - Stefan
> PS: This is an announcement - No flamewars allowed

Perhaps you should have discussed this before going and making an
assumption for the entire developer pool.

The idea itself isn't so bad as the fact that you've now essentially
taken it upon yourself to decide how *every single one of us* is going
to accept ebuilds from now on without any form of discussion.

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering - Strategic Lead
x86 Architecture Team
Games - Developer
Gentoo Linux

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