This may work for Apache or PHP, but an overlay with arbitrary "maintainer 
wanted" ebuilds would need an extra bugzilla account. The problem is that 
this won't really help, since (some) users will see "oh, an kde app crashed" 
and file a bug at [EMAIL PROTECTED] Then /me looks at the tree, doesn't see the 
package and marks the bug as invalid. Even worse it is for bug wranglers. You 
hardly can expect that they look up every single overlay. 

You should at least make it visible in bold letters on the overlay.g.o front 
page, what the conditions of each overlay are and which [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
address bugs 
have to be assigned to. Also some warning that an overlay may break the tree 
or fubar the users system and that only the one who uses it, is responsible 
for using it, wouldn't be wrong.


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