Carsten Lohrke wrote:
> You should at least make it visible in bold letters on the overlay.g.o
> front page, what the conditions of each overlay are and which [EMAIL 
> address bugs have to be assigned to. 

Please, do not assume our users being stupid. They know that they are using
an ebuild from the sunrise overlay with zero support. They deliberately

"svn co";
"emerge application"

And also there are only applications from maintainer-wanted or
maintainer-needed allowed in the overlay. Because packages are not supposed
to overwrite files from other ebuilds it is unlikely that they can cause
any damage to applications that have not been directly installed from the

> Also some warning that an overlay may
> break the tree or fubar the users system 
That is not the intention of the overlay. Everyone can help fixing breakage,
it is not like with the current tree, where you have apps broken for a few
days, weeks or even months because the maintainer is unreachable. With
fixes (by users) spread all over bugzilla.
It is designed to be more open and more easily fixable.


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